ISERH Releases 2018 ABC Results!

Friday 22-Nov-2019, 5:59AM / 1363

ISERH Releases 2018 ABC Results!
The results of the 2018 Aspiring the Best Competition (ABC) has been released today 20th of August, 2018. In his press release, the ABC Project Director - Akinwole Isiaq, noted that 13 candidates made 75% cut-off mark, which stands them out as the prospective ISERH Ambassadors and the beneficiaries of the ISERH 2018 SSCE/UTME Scholarship.
He as well noted that the Outstanding Candidate (the Highest Scorer for the competition) of the year comes from Ile-Ife. The young boy who failed the competition last year came back stronger to emerge the Outstanding Candidate of the year. 5 Candidates who made an aggregate score 60% to 74% are the prospective ISERH 2018 Dream Scholars. A total number of 25 candidates scored between 50% and 59% and are the prospective Consolation Prize Recipient.
The ABC Project Director hereby commended the successful candidates and hereby charged them to buckle up their belt in order to perfectly fit into the group of ISERH Ambassadors. He as well encouraged those who couldn't meet the cut-off mark never to relent. They should see this as an eye-opener to knowing their strengths and weaknesses, and put in their efforts to positively work on them. He noted that ISERH had recorded several candidates who failed Aspiring the Best Competition in their first and/or second attempt in the past, but later excelled and now in universities. Notable among them is an OAU-300-level-student ISERH Ambassador Olufemi Sayo Samuel who, after having his first attempt failed, resat for the competition and emerged the Outstanding Candidate (Highest Scorer) for the 2015 competition.
He as well enjoined all the coaches/mentors to work with their mentees/students in making sure they improve on their academics, especially the subjects that they recorded low marks. Failure is never a FINAL but a SIGNIFICANT PART OF SUCCESS
The candidates who sat for the competition are hereby enjoined to log on to to check and print out their results.
The 2019 ISERH Recognition Awards date and venue shall be announced sooner.
Luqman Alawode,

Director, ISERH Undergraduate Studies

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